
ScioSense manufactures high-performance environmental and flow sensors for  a variety of different markets. The ScioSense portfolio of environmental and flow sensors is aimed at demanding users in the automotive, industrial, building automation, and consumer device markets which want compact, low-power board-mount products and superior sensor performance.

The high accuracy, precision and stability of ScioSense products is the result of four decades of experience in sensor development. The products also benefit from the deployment of innovative technologies such as the TrueVOC™ quad-hotplate gas sensor element in the ENS160 air quality sensor, and the phase-jump measurement technique in the AS6040 and AS6031 ultrasonic flow converters.

Products Include:

  • Environmental Sensors
  • Flow Sensors
Markets & Applications Include:
  • Automotive Air Sensing – monitoring air quality
  • Home & Building Automation – sensing temperature, humidity, and harmful gases
  • Industrial and Consumer Flow Sensors – measuring flow of gas and liquid

ScioSense provides a range of off-the-shelf environmental sensor solutions for monitoring air quality, and relative humidity and temperature changes, in applications including home controllers, appliances, air purifiers, smart thermostats, vehicles, smartphones and wearable devices.

  • Air Quality Sensors – gas sensor solutions for air quality monitoring in a wide range of applications including automotive systems, consumer devices and industrial equipment
  • Pressure Sensors – ultra-low power, high-accuracy barometric pressure and temperature sensor
  • Relative Humidity and Temperature Sensors – accurate, high-performing digital humidity and temperature sensors in a small footprint and low power consumption

Product Resources