Effective Date | Description of Change | Download |
07/30/2024 | PCN-24-198114 - Manufacturing location change. manufacturing site in Collegno (Italy). These part numbers may be sourced from TE Collegno manufacturing site, TE Qingdao (China) manufacturing site and TE Lickdale (US) manufacturing site from a period starting on July 30th, 2024 until September 30th, 2025, at the latest. Mixed shipments may be possible. After September 30th, 2025, these part numbers will be dual sourced from TE Qingdao (China) manufacturing site & TE Lickdale (US) manufacturing site. An internal release based on applicable TE specifications will be executed before any parts will be delivered, to ensure product performance is compliant with applicable TE specifications. If there is a change to the above listed schedule, we will update you further.
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05/01/2024 | PCN-24-205370 - First shipment Date change. This is a follow-up notification on the PCN's listed below. The first ship date for the listed part numbers is now May 1st, 2024, with mixed shipments still possible until September 30th, 2025. An internal release based on applicable TE specifications will be executed before any parts will be delivered, to ensure product performance is compliant with applicable TE specifications. If there is a change to the above listed schedule, we will update you further. PCN-24-198080, PCN-24-198081 , PCN-24-198083, PCN-24-198085, PCN-24-198099, PCN-24-198101, PCN-24-198108, PCN-24-198112, PCN-24-198114, PCN-24-198115, PCN-24-198256, PCN-24-198292 | Download |
02/26/2024 | PCN-24-200242 - Mixed shipment date correction. This is a correction to the PCN's listed below. As mentioned in the previous PCNs, mixed shipments may be possible until September 30th, 2025. The "Last Date for Mixed Shipment" box in this PCN now matches this date. PCN-24-198099, PCN-24-198108, PCN-24-198115, PCN-24-198292, PCN-24-198114, PCN-24-198112, PCN-24-198080, PCN-24-198083, PCN-24-198085, PCN-24-198081
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07/31/2021 | PCN-21-104065 - Tool Expansion. Capacity and Manufacturing Expansion in China along with TE Lickdale Plant (US) to improve capacity and lead time. This expansion follows a strict procedure, which guarantees quality, ability to supply, and form-fit-function of the concerned products. The added manufacturing location operates a certified quality management system according to the standard industry requirements. TE internal release, based on our specifications, is executed before delivery to guarantee our products performance. | Download |
07/09/2013 | E-13-005733 - In an effort to standardize raw material on a global basis, TE Connectivity has completed a review of our current material standards for Brass connectors. This review has resulted in our decision to reduce the number of regional alloys and align at the global level by standardizing on C27400 alloy. | Download |