Effective Date | Description of Change | Download |
06/30/2017 | P-16-013940 - Obsolete Loose piece terminals - The following part numbers are being discontinued (obsolete status). If there are suggested TE Connectivity substitute part numbers or alternate part numbers, they are shown below with any significant differences described. Please verify all substitute or alternate part numbers provided are suitable for your specific application. Drawings are available via TE.com. | Download |
04/03/2017 | P-17-014129 - Manufacturing location change. Following Part Numbers, listet below, will be transferred from supplier Germany to new supplier Germany. | Download |
02/18/2017 | P-16-013871 - Obsolete Loose piece terminals. | Download |
01/21/2017 | E-16-013616-C - E-16-013616 has been cancelled. | Download |
11/10/2016 | E-16-013616 - Discontinuance. Obsolete Loose piece terminals - The following part numbers are being discontinued (obsolete status). If there are suggested TE Connectivity substitute part numbers or alternate part numbers, they are shown below with any significant differences described. Please verify all substitute or alternate part numbers provided are suitable for your specific application. Drawings are available via TE.com. | Download |
10/14/2016 | E-16-009203-C - Error; E-16-009203 has been canceled. | Download |
10/10/2016 | E-16-009203 - Obsolete Loose piece terminals - The following part numbers are being discontinued (obsolete status). If there are suggested TE Connectivity substitute part numbers or alternate part numbers, they are shown below with any significant differences described. Please verify all substitute or alternate part numbers provided are suitable for your specific application. Drawings are available via TE.com. | Download |